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Máy điều trị mụn,bằng ánh sáng,IPL,ULTRAPLUS VPL,Energist ,Mỹ

Máy điều trị mụn,bằng ánh sáng,IPL,ULTRAPLUS VPL,Energist ,Mỹ

 Ultra Plus

 UltraPlus VPL is the latest VPL system from Energist - specialists in light treatment systems.

Enhanced versatility

Using world renowned and proven Variable Pulsed Light Technology, the UltraPlus VPL offers the power and versatility you need to offer tailored hair removal, skin rejuvenation and acne treatments to clients with skin types I - V.

Offering 3 treatment specific hand pieces covering treatments such as facial and body hair removal, thread veins, rosacea, age and sun spots, wrinkles and fine lines, the system comes with a new dedicated hand piece specifically to target acne. The UltraPlus VPL offers a broad range of treatment options, with the highest quality outcome, for you and your client.

The new Hair Removal hand piece on the UltraPlus VPL provides 25,000 shots, offering more economical treatment regimes.

With 840 different pulse variations, specific treatment presets and energy output levels up to 51J/cm², the enhanced treatment options of the UltraPlus VPL provide you with total treatment solutions for your client.

he increased flexibility of the UltraPlus VPL system allows you to perform a wide range of treatments with a single system, maximizing your investment and widening your treatment offer to your clients.VPL
  • 3 treatment specific hand pieces
  • 25,000 shots on the Hair Removal applicator
  • Preset parameters for optimum results
  • Water-cooled for higher energy & more effective treatments
  • Simple touch screen user panel

View PdfUlta Plus Enhancements

Output Energy:10 to 110J/cm2
  • Hair removal handpiece - 610-950nm output (Red filter)
  • Skin rejuvenation handpiece - 530-950nm output (Yellow filter)
  • Acne handpiece - 415/630-950nm output (Multi-bandpass dichroicfilter)
Pulse train length:7 to 385ms
Pulses per train:2 to 15
Delay between pulses:1 to 20ms
Standard spot size:50 x 10mm (5cm2)
Repetition rate:1 pulse every 2 seconds (max)
Dimensions:950 x 430 x 420mm
Power supply:100V to 240V, 60/50hz, Max 6.5A