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Máy tim phổi nhân tạo

Máy tim phổi, nhân tạo,C5,Sorin,Đức

Máy tim phổi, nhân tạo,C5,Sorin,Đức



Heart-lung machine

  • heart-lung machine C5 Sorin
C5: A new compact generation: perfusion in ergonomic perfection

The C5 is the culmination of more than 35 years of experience in extra-corporeal perfusion system design and manufacturing. It delivers greater ergonomics for the operator and the same state-of-the-art technology, proven user interface, and its well-established modular S5 Perfusion System.
Lightweight and compact, the C5 has excellent manoevrability. The surfaces are sealed and easy to clean. The solid housing is made of brushed stainless steel reflecting the product’s high quality.
• C5 - Ergonomics
• C5 - Technology
• C5 - Flexibility
• C5 - DMS Charting System

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