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Kính hiển vi ,khám mắt,SL-350DC,LINK INSTRUMENTS,TQ

Kính hiển vi ,khám mắt,SL-350DC,LINK INSTRUMENTS,TQ


 Product Name:SL-350DC

· This system was made up by the SL-350 slit lamp combining with the following accessories: digital camera adaptor, beam splitter, digital camera, and background illumination model (3V).
· Besides observing the eye diseases, it can take pictures, store and print the image. This is convenient to observe the patients’ condition and evaluate the remedial effect.
· The high resolution ink jet printer, the image can be printed clearly.
· This system adopts the professional digital single lens reflex camera.
Microscope typeGalilean-TypeMagnification5-STEP 
Eye piece12.5×Total magnification Ratio
10×, 16×, 25×(standard configuration)
Range of pupil distance55mm~78mmField of view 
40× (Ø5.5mm), 25× (Ø8.5mm), 16× (Ø13.5mm), 10×(Ø22mm), 6× (Ø34.7mm)
Slit width
0 ~14mm adjustable
Adjustment of diopter
Slit angle
Slit height1~14mm adjustable
Light spot diamater
φ14mm, φ10mm, φ5mm,φ3mm, φ2mm, φ1mm, φ0.2mm
Slit inclination5º, 10º, 15º, 20º
Illumination bulb
6V/20W Halogen Lamp
Filter Thermal safety,UV,Red-free,Cobalt Blue
Power220V/110V~±10%Dimension740 x 450 x 500(mm)