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Máy điều trị bệnh về da bằng ánh sáng xung

Máy triệt lông bằng sóng xung,Smoothcool,Jeisys,Korea

Máy triệt lông bằng sóng xung,Smoothcool,Jeisys,Korea

 1. SmoothCool


Advantages of SmoothCool

  • High – Peak Power
  • The most advanced Cooling Technology
  • Faster treatment
  • The deepest penetration of light energy
  • 2. Feature

    High-Peak : Powerful Energy

    Only 1 shot is enough to destroy the hair in the Anagen of hair growth cycle. It is possible by UFL & SCH(Subzero Cooling and High-peak energy irradiation) that reduces loss of energy when reaching hair root.

    Penetration test by different Peak power

    [Test method] Insert the real hair between 5 slices of 1㎜ ham and emit by different pulse width and peak power in order to observe the change of hair that shows the protein denaturation.

    ATC™ Technology

    • ATC Technology? : Automatic Temperature Controller
    • The temperature controller inside of applicator reads the skin surface temperature automatically and maintain it under 4℃ during emission. This is a smart-blocker which prevents from the side effect.

    Depth of penetration


    3. Specification

    Pulse Duration10,15,30,40㎳
    High FluenceUp to 65J
    Spot Size10×50㎜
    Repetition RateUp to 1㎐
    Cooling MeanPowerful Sapphire Contact Cooling
    (-10℃~10℃ )
    Peak Power3,000W
    Powerful Contact Cooling-10 ~ 0℃


    4. Treatment

    Efficacy of Photofacial