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Số lượt truy cập 1557280   lần

429   khách hàng đang online

Dao mổ điện

Dao nội soi,LC-V60,CME,TQ

Dao nội soi,LC-V60,CME,TQ



Functions and features:

Completely Water-Proof handle motor and foot plate,Shape knife blade.
 Thecuntting blade keeps stable and never wobble when it works. 
The main control unit uses the liquid crystal display.
The handle motor won t warm up.
The foot plate uses breakerless technology.
All the main unit and accessories are made with imported stainless stell.
Non-brush generator controlled suction pump.
Use imported push and pull connector.
Imported silicone connecting line and silicone tube.
Lower noise.


Safe Classification:Type I Model BF
Input Volt:AC220V±22V
Delivered PWR:30VA
Rotational Spd:1000~4000r/min