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Máy điện tim gắng sức,PGStress,Progetti,Ý

Máy điện tim gắng sức,PGStress,Progetti,Ý


PGSTRESS Stress Test System: high quality 12 channels ECG unit, simultaneous display of 6 channels on the PC monitor with free choice of displayed channels, storage of additional ECG episodes possible at any time, printout freely configurable, storage and archiving, highest level of patient safety and reliable data transfer from the preamplifier to the PC via an USB cable, or OPTIONAL by Bluetooth, automatic program for resting ECG with parameter calculation, different and configurable protocols for stress test, adapts to the common ergometers and treadmills supporting all possibilities from manual operation to fully automatic ergometers and treadmills with integrated BP measurement, all modes of operation can be adapted and configured to the needs of the user. The system consist of the MYECG amplifier module and the MyStress software...