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HOLTERS điện tim,PG 8 Plus ,Progetti,Ý

 HOLTERS điện tim,PG 8 Plus ,Progetti,Ý



PG 8 Plus Holter System
Designed for Windows XP® Platform, PG-8 Plus incorporates exclusive beat detection and arrhythmia analysis algorithm in conjunction with state-of-the-art digital technology to deliver unparalleled accuracy and reduced scanning time. PG-8 Plus offers solutions for the private physician s office as well as multi-facility hospital installations, with 3-channel and 12-lead systems. Multiple Scanning Options: Retrospective, Prospective, and Superimposition scanning modes supported with traditional and advanced scanning options.

PG8 Basic Holter System
24 hours digital ECG Holter System ( 3 channels ) . Fast transfert of 24 hours data analysys. User friendly. Complete and customized report options. Full trends screen. Windows user interface. Formatted report option allowes to send the exam report by e-mail to the patient or to other doctors and to review the same report by a traditional graphic editor.