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Máy điện tim

Máy điện tim,12 cần,YM412i,MEDIANA,Korea

Máy điện tim,12 cần,YM412i,MEDIANA,Korea

 The YM412i Electrocardiograph

 The YM412i Electrocardiograph is...

12 Lead Interpretative resting ECG in morphologym rhythm and conduction.

- 12 lead interpretative ECG
- Graphic LCD monitor
- ECG storage (typical : 100 ECGs, option : 5000 ECGs)
- Bulit-in high resolution printer
- Rechargeable battery
- Software management (PC interface : RS232, LAN)
- Firmware upgrade using USB memory stick




          < MEDIANA electrocardiograph [YM412i] >

♦ Measurement and average complexs

YM412i measuring program determines precisely the beginning and end point of P waves, QRS complexes and T waves based on noise reduced average complexes.
Electric axis as well as exact time and amplitude measurement are provided.

♦ ECG Interpretation

YM412i has the clinically proven interpretation program of diagnostic information with regard to thythm, electrical axis, QRS morphology changes, conduction defects, hypertrophy characteristics, ST-T change, myocardial infarction, etc. with an interpretation time of less than 6 seconds.

♦ Communication with PC

Via the serial inferface, the electrocardiograph can be directly connected to PC.
Saving and transmetting of measured data. Efficient patient information management.