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Trụ khí treo trần phòng mổ

Trụ khí ,treo trần ,phòng mổ ,KL-D·IA,Keling ,TQ

Trụ khí ,treo trần ,phòng mổ ,KL-D·IA,Keling ,TQ


KL-D·IA is a multi-functional operating table and can be adjusted to very low position, which meets the requirements for not only various surgical operation but also X-ray examination and photography of different parts of human body. Small-sized touch controller ensures precise and reliable adjustment of different positions. 
    The exterior surface being made of stainless steel, the table gives a beautiful appearance and is corrosion resistant. It is an ideal choice for surgical operations. 
    The table adopts electric-hydraulic control, and has small-sized touch controller for flexible operation.  It adopts famous brand engine hydraulic pump and electromagnetism valve which are imported from Japan. It makes low level of noise and it is reliable in performance. 
Technical Specifications:
Maximum and minimum height of the platform:(550~850)±50mm
Leg board fold downward:≥90°
Leg board fold outward:≥90°
Back board fold upward:≥70°
Backboard fold downward:≥20°
Head board fold upward:≥30°
Head board fold downward:≥90°
Waist board lifting:100mm
Mains voltage:AC 220V±10% 50Hz
Input power:500VA