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Trụ khí treo trần phòng mổ

Trụ khí ,treo trần ,phòng mổ ,KL-T·IVC ICU,Keling ,TQ

Trụ khí ,treo trần ,phòng mổ ,KL-T·IVC ICU,Keling ,TQ


KL-T·IVC ICU Multifunctional Medical Pole (Irrotational)
     The series of KL-T·IVC ICU Multifunctional Medical Pole (Irrotational) is a new and practical equipment specially designed for ICU rooms. This equipment has a close structure and occupies little room. You can choose one-pole-one-bed or one-pole-two-bed. This medical is equipped with terminals for O2, air, pulling air, electricity, network and communication, board, transfusion shelf, injecition pump shelf, and light. Meanwhile, you can add viewtelephone, monitor, background music, teaching and long-distance consultation, etc according to your needs. This equipment is an ideal workstation for small hospitals and ICU rooms with limitation of area.