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Trụ khí treo trần phòng mổ

Trụ khí ,treo trần ,phòng mổ ,KL-T·IVB,Keling ,TQ

Trụ khí ,treo trần ,phòng mổ ,KL-T·IVB,Keling ,TQ


KL-T·IVB  Davit Wet and Dry Pendant
     Series of  KL-T·IVB  Davit Wet and Dry Pendant has the character of concentrating wet and dry, occupying little room and complete functions. Control board by a high-stregth aluminum alloy extrusion molding, pneumatic brake and damp device, medical gas terminal imported from Germany make this product more reliable. In a word, this equipment is an economical workstation for medical workers.