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Gường đẻ đa năng,HFMPB06A,HUIFENG,TQ

Gường đẻ đa năng,HFMPB06A,HUIFENG,TQ


Multi-purpose parturition Bed(HFMPB06A)

Technical Data:
This product is used in gynecolotg and obstetrics childbirth, gynecology operation, diagnosis and examination. The bed can be raised or lowered hydraulically by means of an oil pump, which shows features of wide usage and convenience.

1. Length: 1330-1880mm
2. Width :600mm
3. Height: 750-990mm
4. Adjust: ≥240mm

Main Function and date:
1. Reversed Trendelenburg: ≥10°
2. Trendelenburg: ≥5°
3. Back Section Raised From the Horizontal: ≥55°
4. Volume:153×96×107cm