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Electric parturition Bed(HFEPB99B)

Model HFEPB99B electric obstetric tables based on the need of market are made with overseas advanced technology. They are made for gynecology and obstetrics childbirth, gynecology operation, diagnosis and examination. And also can be used in caesarean operation. The heave, slant and replication are controlled by hydrostatic micro touch so that it can be used conveniently and flexibly. The key components of the hydrostatic system are imprted which is stable and ont noisy. It also has knockdown accessorial operating board. The outside cover, table-board, filth bowl are all made by stainless steel. The surface has an artistic look and is easy for clearing.

1. Length: 1330mm
2. Width :600mm
3. Height: 750-990mm

Main Function and date:
1. Reversed Trendelenburg: ≥18°
2. Trendelenburg: ≥8°
3. Back adjusyment: ≥ 60°
4. Back Section Lowered: ≥10°
5. power: AC 220V, 50HZ
6. Volume:152×94×105cm