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Máy tạo oxy,V series specification,Canta,TQ

Máy tạo oxy,V series specification,Canta,TQ



V Smart Series  Quietlife
Self-diagnosis function
Purity: 93%±3
Flowrate (L/min) : 1-5L  (1-3L,1-8L available)
More Alarms –High Pressure, Low Pressure, Overheat, Power Failure, and Low Purity+Low Flow (Optional)
350W low power consumption
40Db noise level
Outlet pressure: 0.05-0.08 MPA
Power saving 7%- DCCT control technology
Imported Molecular sieves
Aero stand paper filter
Big displacement V5.2 oil-free compressor
Weight : 21KG
Dimension: L390xW337xH620 mm
Nebulizer ≤5u to 90% (Optional)



Alternative Functions:
Low Purity Alarm starts up once purity down to 82%.   Low Flow Alarm.         
Atomizing Function (Nebulizer) Atomizing Particle: ≤5μ more than 90%
Big displacement Compressor, keep 30% longer life-span.
Most quiet in China.
Long time continue working, It is ok for using 24 hours per day.  
Ariable current control technology is energy-saving 7%.
Longer Guarantee for 3 years.

3L, 8L available to your demand.