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Máy đo nhãn áp

Bút đo nhãn áp mắt cầm tay,TA01i Icare,,Icare,Phần Lan

Bút đo nhãn áp mắt cầm tay,TA01i Icare,,Icare,Phần Lan


Icare® tonometer for quick, easy and painless eye pressure measurement by Ophthalmologies, Optometrists, Opticians, General Practitioners & Pharmacies - without anesthesia or air

The Icare tonometer is based on a proven accurate measuring principle, in which a very light probe is used to make momentary and gentle contact with the cornea. The measurement is barely noticed by the patient and often does not even cause corneal reflex. The device not only makes IOP measuring a more pleasant experience on all patients, it is also an important break-through for succeeding with non-compliant patients (f.e. children and dementia patients).

The easy usage and dynamic patient flow obtained by the Icare tonometer make it a very important instrument for general practitioners, optometrists, occupational health care, pharmacies and other medical personnel.

Requiring no drops, neither specialized skills for its use the quick and painless Icare tonometer makes IOP measuring easy and has an important role in glaucoma screening programs of masses.