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Đèn tử ngoại UV

Đèn tử ngoại UV,VW-301 I ,Famed,Ba lan

Đèn tử ngoại UV,VW-301 I ,Famed,Ba lan


product description

Irradiation with ultraviolet radiation UV-C is one of the most effective methods for disinfection of air, liquids and surfaces. Advantages of this method are low operation costs and the fact that bacteria, viruses, moulds and fungi do not become immunized against the ultraviolet radiation. The UV-irradiation allows large surfaces to be disinfected, does not contaminate environment and is simple for use.



The problem of sanitation in medicine has been taken up since the beginning of medicine. During many years various methods for improvement of hygiene have been developed. One of these methods uses ultraviolet radiation. UV radiation provides an effective method of disin-fection of air - it protects against infections caused mainly by airborne bacteria and funges. Using this method surfaces of walls of medical rooms, beds, operating tables, "clean" communication pathways etc. can be effectively disinfected.


The ultraviolet radiation is more and more frequently used for disinfection as ecologically clean method. It provides a variety of possibilities: disinfection of air, liquids and manufacturing equipment, protection against reiterated contamination, reduction of bacteria in food products, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics to increase their life. Disinfection with the ultraviolet radiation is widely used due to:

  • effective and irreversible destruction of microorganisms,
  • ecological cleannes,
  • low operation cost.  



Among various methods of disinfection such as thermal or chemical method, disinfection by means of the UV radiation plays rather important part due to its advantages.
The thermal method is energy�consuming and can not be used to disinfect large surfaces and air in medical and industrial rooms.
The chemical method causes contamination of environment and penetration of residues of chemical agents into products resulting in a danger to health.
Disinfection with the use of the ultraviolet radiation is free from these disadvantages. The ultraviolet radiation is a part of electromagnetic spectrum and is similar in nature to visible radiation (it has no connection with radioactivity). The UV spectrum contains wavelengths from 100 nm to 380 nm and it is the UV radiation of 254 nm wavelenghth that has the highest germicidal effect.
Disadvantage of the UV radiation is that it is invisible. Slide blue-violet glare of the UV bulbs indicates only that they emit faint visible radiation.


Type of lamp

VC-301I – ceiling
VW-301I – wall
VS-301I - stand

VS-302I – ceiling
VS-322I – wall
VS-312I - stand

Power supply

230 V, 50 Hz

Power requirement

40 VA

80 VA

Bulb type

1 x TUV 30 W

2 x TUV 30 W

Steady current of bulb

0,36 A

254 nm irradiance at 1 m distance

3,2 W/m2

6,1 W/m2

Rated life (till 15% decrease of ultraviolet output)

8000 h

Class of protection against electric shock


IP number

IP 20

IP 20

Housing length (mm)

925 x 160 x 148

925 x 215 x 139

The equipment shown is subject, however, to continuous development and FAMED Â?ódÂ? S.A. reserves the right to make changes from time to time.
