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Hộp đầu gường

Hộp đầu gường Type II tích hợp 2 ổ khí OV,Central and Uni Medical - Japan

Hộp đầu gường Type II tích hợp  2 ổ khí OV,Central and Uni Medical - Japan

Hộp đầu gường Type II tích hợp  3 ổ khí O0V,Central and Uni Medical - Japan

Hộp đầu gường Type II tích hợp  4 ổ khí 0V,A4Central and Uni Medical - Japan

Hộp đầu gường Type II tích hợp  4 ổ khí 00V,A4Central and Uni Medical - Japan



Our bedhead unit is of a horizontal type integrating a variety of functions such as those for doctors and nurses to make diagnosis and medical treatment and those for patient s lighting and communication.
This unit is possible to install a required number of necessary equipments such as medical gas outlets, electric receptacles and nurse call slave units at a functional position, taking into account the size of word, number of beds and their arrangement in a ward. In addition, we have a variety of types such as a concealed model with little exposure of equipment so as to ease the patient s sense of oppression, a panel type with built-in treatment lamps, and a type to create a comfortable space by indirect lighting.
By these units, we offer a ward with full function and good amenity.







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