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MÔI TRƯỜNG NUÔI CẤY VI SINH,Phần 12,Hãng Titan Biotech - Ấn Độ

MÔI TRƯỜNG NUÔI CẤY VI SINH,Phần 12,Hãng Titan Biotech - Ấn Độ

 Danh mục môi trường vi sinh - Phần 12

Code No.

Product Name

Pack Size

TM 843

SD AGAR (for growth of yeasts for molecular biology purposes.)

500 gm

TM 281

SDS AGAR (SODIUM DODECYL SULPHATE POLYMYXIN SUCROSE AGAR) (as per APHA) (for enrichment, isolation and enumeration of Vibrio vulrificus from sea food samples.)

500 gm

TM 844

SF BROTH (for selective cultivation, detection and differentiation of Enterococci from other cocci in diagnostic work.)

500 gm

TM 845

SF BROTH, MODIFIED (for detection of Enterococci in diagnostic work.)

500 gm

TM 846

S.F.P. AGAR BASE (for presumptive identification and enumeration of Clostridium perfringens in foods )

500 gm

TS 054


5 vl

TS 002

EGG YOLK EMULSION (100 ml/vl) (Store below 8º C)

5 vl

TM 847

SIM MEDIUM (for determination of hydrogen sulphide production, indole formation and motility of enteric bacilli.)

500 gm

TM 1076

SM SELECTIVE AGAR BASE (for isolation and cultivation of Pseudomonas solanacearum.)

500 gm

TS 167


5 vl

TS 042

TTC SOLUTION 1% (10 ml/vl) (Store below 8º C)

5 vl

TM 1195

SOB MEDIUM (HANAHAN’S BROTH), (for cultivation of recombinant strains of Escherichia coli.)

500 gm

TM 1284

SOC BROTH (a medium for molecular biology.)

500 gm

TM 1077

SPS AGAR (Store below 8º C) (for detection of Clostridium perfringens in foods.)

500 gm

TM 1078

SPS AGAR, MODIFIED (Store below 8º C) (for selective isolation and enumeration of Clostridium perfringens from foodstuffs.)

500 gm

TM 386

SS AGAR (SALMONELLA SHIGELLA AGAR) (for differential and selective isolation of Salmonella and Shigella species from pathological samples.)

100 gm


500 gm

TM 588

S S AGAR, MODIFIED (for selective isolation & differentiation of Salmonella and Shigella species from clinical materials and foodstufs.)

500 gm

TM 545

S.S. BROTH (SALMONELLA SHIGELLA BROTH) (for differential & selective isolation of Salmonella and Shigella species from pathological samples.)

500 gm

TM 587

SABOURAUD AGAR W/ ANTIBIOTICS (SABOURAUD CYCLOHEXIMIDE CHLORAMPHENICOL AGAR) ( for cultivation and selective isolation of pathogenic fungi.) (Store below 8ºC)

100 gm

TM 622

SABOURAUD CHLORAMPHENICOL AGAR (for selective cultivation of yeasts and molds.) (Store below 8º C)

500 gm

TM 387

SABOURAUD DEXTROSE AGAR (for cultivation of yeasts, molds and aciduric microorganisms.)

100 gm


500 gm

TM 1439

SABOURAUD DEXTROSE AGAR (VEG.) (for cultivation of yeasts, molds and aciduric microorganisms.)

100 gm


500 gm

TM 1079

SABOURAUD DEXTROSE AGAR (as per USP) (for cultivation of yeasts, molds and aciduric microorganisms.)

100 gm


500 gm

TM 1602

SABOURAUD DEXTROSE AGAR W/ SOYA LECTHIN & POLYSORBATE 80 (used for cultivation of yeasts, molds and aciduric bacteria.)

500 gm

TM 1813

SABOURAUD DEXTROSE AGAR MEDIUM W/CHLORAMPHENICOL (as per IP) (for selective cultivation of yeasts and molds.)

500 gm

TM 1814

SABOURAUD DEXTROSE AGAR W/3.0% AGAR (for cultivation of yeasts, molds and aciduric microorganisms.)

500 gm

TM 1815

SABOURAUD DEXTROSE AGAR MEDIUM (as per IP) (for cultivation of yeasts, molds and aciduric microorganisms.)

100 gm


500 gm

TM 090

SABOURAUD DEXTROSE AGAR BASE, MODIFIED (DEXTROSE AGAR BASE, EMMONS) (for selective cultivation of pathogenic fungi.)

100 gm


500 gm

TS 029


5 vl

TM 388

SABOURAUD DEXTROSE BROTH (for cultivation of yeasts, molds and aciduric microorganisms.)

100 gm


500 gm

TM 1604

SABOURAUD DEXTROSE BROTH (VEG.) (for cultivation of yeasts, molds and aciduric microorganisms.)

100 gm


500 gm

TM 1603

SABOURAUD DEXTROSE BROTH (as per USP) (for cultivation of yeasts, molds and acidric microorganisms.)

100 gm


500 gm

TM 849

SABOURAUD DEXTROSE MALTOSE AGAR (for cultivation of yeasts and molds and for testing antimycotic substances.)

500 gm

TM 1080

SABOURAUD DEXTROSE MALTOSE BROTH (for cultivation of molds, yeasts & aciduric organisms as well as testing antimycotic substances.)

500 gm

TM 1485

SABOURAUD GLUCOSE AGAR MEDIUM WITH CHLORAMPHENICOL (AGAR MEDIUM C) (as per EP) (for selective cultivation of yeasts and moulds.) (Store below 8º C)

500 gm

TM 1486

SABOURAUD GLUCOSE AGAR (AGAR MEDIUM C) (as per BP) (for cultivation of yeasts, moulds and aciduric microorganisms.)

100 gm


500 gm

TM 1487

SABOURAUD GLUCOSE AGAR WITH ABTIBIOTICS (AGAR MEDIUM C) (as per BP) (for selective cultivation of yeasts and moulds)

500 gm

TS 061


5 vl

TM 287

SABOURAUD MALTOSE AGAR (for propagation of yeasts and molds, particularly fungi concerned with skin and scalp lesions.)

500 gm

TM 288

SABOURAUD MALTOSE BROTH (for propagation of yeasts and molds, particularly fungi concerned with skin and scalp lesions.)

500 gm

TM 317

SABOURAUD MEDIUM, FLUID (FLUID SABOURAUD MEDIUM) (sterility test medium for lower bacteria in pharmaceutical preparations.)

100 gm


500 gm

TM 850

SACCHAROSE BROTH (for identification of saccharose fermenting microorganisms.)

500 gm

TM 1605

SAKAZAKII DHL AGAR (used for detection and isolation of pathogenic Enterobacteriacae from all types of samples.)

500 gm

TM 1606

SALENRICH BROTH (for enrichment of sublethally injured Salmonellae from food products.)

500 gm

TS 212


5 vl

TM 1081

SALINE AGAR (for alpha-toxin detection in Clostridium perfringens.)

500 gm

TM 1816

SALMONELLA AGAR, ONOZ (for selective isolation and identification of Salmonellae from clinical samples.)

500 gm

TM 1286

SALMONELLA DIFFERENTIAL AGAR (DOUBLE PACK) (Store below 8º C) (for differentiation of Salmonella species from Enterobacteriaceae.

100 gm


500 gm

TM 1717

SALMONELLA DIFFERENTIAL AGAR (DOUBLE PACK) (VEG.) (Store below 8º C) (for differentiation of Salmonella species from Enterobacteriaceae.)

100 gm


500 gm

TM 1203

SALMONELLA DIFFERENTIAL AGAR, MODIFIED (DOUBLE PACK) (for differentiation of Salmonella species from members of Enterobacteriaceae especially Proteus species.) (Store below 8º C)

100 gm


500 gm

TM 1082

SALT BROTH, MODIFIED (for cultivation and differentiation of the enterococcal group D Streptococci from nonenterococcal group D Streptococci based on salt tolerance.)

500 gm

TM 564

SALT MEAT BROTH (for isolation of Staphylococci from grossly contaminated samples.)

500 gm

TM 851

SALT POLYMIXIN BROTH BASE (for detection and enumeration of Vibrio species.)

500 gm

TS 058


5 vl

TM 852

SAUTON’S FLUID MEDIUM BASE (as per IP) (for cultivation and enumeration of Mycobacteria.)

100 gm


500 gm

TM 291

SCHAEDLER AGAR (for enumeration of various aerobic and anaerobic bacterial species.)

500 gm

TM 292

SCHAEDLER BROTH (for enumeration of various aerobic and anaerobic bacterial species.)

500 gm

TM 1607

SCHUBERTS ARGININE BROTH (for isolation of chlorine damaged Pseudomonas aeruginosa in swimming pool.)

500 gm

TM 1083

SEA WATER AGAR (DOUBLE PACK) (for cultivation of marine microorganisms.)

500 gm

TM 390

SEED AGAR (ANTIBIOTIC ASSAY MEDIUM NO.1) ( as per IP/USP) (for microbiological assay of β lactam and other antibiotics.)

100 gm


500 gm

TM 1084

SELECTIVE LYSINE AGAR (as per AOAC) (for selective isolation and identification of Salmonellae.)

500 gm

TM 389

SELENITE BROTH (SELENITE F BROTH) (enrichment medium for isolation of Salmonella from faeces, urine or other pathological materials.)

100 gm


500 gm

TM 418

SELENITE F BROTH SELENITE F BROTh (DOUBLE PACK) (as per IP) (an enrichment medium for isolation of Salmonella from faeces, urine or other pathological materials)

100 gm


500 gm

TM 853

SELENITE BROTH BASE W/O. SELENITE (for enrichment of Salmonella from faeces, urine and food products by adding selective supplement.)

500 gm



100 gm

TM 721

SELENITE BROTH W/ DULCITOL (DULCITOL SELENITE BROTH) (DOUBLE PACK) (for selective enrichment of Salmonella species.

100 gm


500 gm

TM 294

SELENITE CYSTINE BROTH (FLUID SELENITE CYSTINE BROTH) (DOUBLE PACK) (an enrichment medium for isolation of Salmonella species from food products.)

100 gm


500 gm

TM 854

SELENITE CYSTINE BROTH BASE (W/O. SELENITE) (for selective enrichment of Salmonella and possibly Shigella sonnei from faeces, urine, water and foodstuffs.)

500 gm



100 gm

TM 1532

SELENITE MANNITOL BROTH (MANNITOL SELENITE BROTH) (DOUBLE PACK) (for selective enrichment of Salmonellae from clinical samples.)

500 gm

TM 1085

SELLERS DIFFERENTIAL AGAR (for identification and differentiation of gram-negative nonfermentative bacilli particularly Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Acinetobacter calcoaceticus.)

500 gm

TM 1287

SEMISOLID IMRV MEDIUM BASE (for simultaneous enrichment of Salmonellae and isolation of motile Salmonellae form other competitive organisms.)

500 gm

TS 136


5 vl

TM 855

SEMISOLID LIVER MEAT MEDIUM (for cultivation of fastidious anaerobes.)

500 gm

TM 1086

SEMISOLID NUTRIENT AGAR (for detection of Salmonella species on the basis of motility and hydrogen sulphide (H2S) production.)

500 gm

TM 1288

SEMISOLID RV MEDIUM BASE (for isolation of Salmonella from foods based on selective motility.)

500 gm

TS 136


5 vl

TM 1127

SEMISOLID RAPPAPORT VASILIADIS MEDIUM, MODIFIED (for detection of motile Salmonella species from foods.)

500 gm

TS 051


5 vl

TM 1283


500 gm

TM 856

SENSITIVITY TEST MEDIUM (for sensitivity tests with sulphonamides and other antibiotics.)

500 gm

TM 1289

SERRATIA DIFFERENTIAL MEDIUM (SD MEDIUM) (for differentiation of Serratia species on the basis of Arabinose fermentation and Ornithine decaroboxylation.)

100 gm

TM 1290

SHAPTON MEDIUM (for enumeration of Bacillus stearothermophilus spores from canned foods with pH>4.5.)

500 gm

TM 1067

SHAW AND CLARKE MEDIUM (PHENYLALANINE MALONATE BROTH) (for differentiation of Enterobacteriaceae based on their ability to utilize malonate and produce pyruvic acid from phenylalanine.)

100 gm

TM 1087

SHEEP BLOOD AGAR BASE (for improved haemolytic reactions of organisms.)

500 gm

TM 857

SHIGELLA BROTH BASE (for isolation and cultivation of Shigella species from foods.)

500 gm

TS 082


5 vl

TM 1088

SIMMONS AGAR BASE (for differentiation between faecal coliform and members of the aerogenes group on the basis of citrate utilization.)

100 gm

TM 348

SIMMONS CITRATE AGAR (for differentiation of gram-negative bacteria on the basis of citrate utilization.)

100 gm


500 gm

TM 1291

SIMMONS CITRATE AGAR (as per BIS) (for differentiation between faecal coliforms and members of the aerogenes group on the basis of

100 gm


500 gm

TM 006


500 gm

TM 574

SKIM MILK (for cultivation of dairy organisms and differentiation of Clostridium species.)

500 gm

TM 295

SKIM MILK AGAR (for cultivation and enumeration of bacteria encountered in dairy industry.)

500 gm

TM 1608

SKIM MILK PCA (PLATE COUNT AGAR) (for determining the microbial count in milk and dairy products.)

500 gm

TM 1609

SLANETZ AND BARTLEY MEDI7UM W/O TTC (for detection and enumeration of faecal Streptococci by membrane filter technique.)

500 gm

TM 1405

SLANETZ AND BARTLEY MEDIUM (for detection and enumeration of faecal Streptococci by membrane filter techique.)

500 gm

TM 1610

SMIBERT’S SEMISOLID BRUCELLA MEDIUM (for cultivation of Campylobacter species.)

500 gm

TM 035

SNYDER TEST AGAR (BCG DEXTROSE AGAR) (for estimation of Lactobacilli, an indication of caries activity.)

500 gm

221 M

SODIUM CHOLATE (CHOLIC ACID SODIUM) (a selective inhibitory agent used in culture media.)

25 gm


100 gm

220 M

SODIUM DEOXYCHOLATE (FOR BACTERIOLOGY) (a selective inhibitory agent used in culture media.)

25 gm


100 gm

212 M

SODIUM TAUROCHOLATE (BACTERIOLOGICAL GRADE) (a selective inhibitory agent used in culture media.)

100 gm


500 gm


SODIUM TAUROGLYCOCHOLATE (CULTURE MEDIA INGREDIENT) (a selective inhibitory agent used in culture media.)

100 gm


500 gm

TM 858

SOIL EXTRACT AGAR (for isolation of soil bacteria.)

500 gm

TM 201

SORBITOL AGAR (MACCONKEY SORBITOL AGAR) (for isolation and identification of enteropathogenic E.coli strains associated with infant diarrhoea.)

500 gm

TM 859

SORBITOL IRON AGAR (for identification and differentiation of enteropathogenic E.coli without fermenting sorbitol.)

500 gm


SOYA PEPTONE - (REGULAR GRADE) (general purpose bacteriological grade.)

500 gm


SOYATONE (SOYA PEPTONE) (Peptic digest of soyabean meal.)

500 gm


SOYATONE (STD) TBL POWDER (SOYA PEPTONE) (Peptic digest of soyabean meal.)

500 gm

TM 1089

SOYA PEPTONE YEAST EXTRACT AGAR (for selective isolation of dermatophytes especially Trichophyton verrucosum and other pathogenic fungi.)

500 gm

TM 546

SOYABEAN BILE BROTH BASE (for enrichment and isolation of E.coli 0157:H7.)

500 gm

TS 051


5 vl

TM 1611

SOYABEAN BILE BROTH W/ NOVOBIOCIN (as per ISO) (enrichment medium for the detection of Escherichia colli 0157:H7 from foods.)

500 gm

TM 345

SOYA CASEIN DIGEST AGAR (TRYPTONE SOYA AGAR) (as per USP) (CASO AGAR) (a general purpose medium used with or without blood for enrichment and isolation of fastidious

100 gm


500 gm

TM 1440

SOYA PEPTONE DIGEST AGAR (VEG.) (a general purpose medium used with or without blood for enrichment and isolation of fastidious microorganisms.)

100 gm


500 gm

TM 614

SOYA CASEIN DIGEST AGAR W/TWEEN 80 AND LECTHIN (for detection and enumeration of microorganisms present on the surfaces of sanitary importance.)

100 gm


500 gm

TM 1506

SOYA CASEIN DIGEST AGAR WITH INHIBITOR (a general purpose medium with inhibitor that inhibit the growth of Staphylococci.)

500 gm

TM 860

SOYABEAN CASEIN DIGEST AGAR W/ YEAST EXTRACT AND HEMIN (TRYPTONE SOYA AGAR W/ YEAST EXTRACT AND HEMIN) (for cultivation of fastidious microorganisms like Bordetella pertussis and Neisseria meningitidis.)

100 gm

TM 332

SOYA CASEIN DIGEST MEDIUM (TRYPTONE SOYA BROTH) (CASO BROTH) (for sterility testing and cultivation of fastdious and nonfastidious microorganisms.)

100 gm


500 gm


500gm X 12

TM 1442

SOYA CASEIN DIGEST MEDIUM (TRYPTONE SOYA BROTH) (CASO BROTH) (VEG.) (for sterility testing and cultivation of fastdious and nonfastidious microorganisms.)

100 gm


500 gm


500gm X 12

TM 419

SOYA CASEIN DIGEST MEDIUM (as per IP) (a genral purpose medium used for cultivation of various microorganisms and sterility testing of molds.)

100 gm


500 gm


500gm X 12

TM 1476

SOYA CASEIN DIGEST MEDIUM (as per USP) (general purpose sterility medium.)

100 gm


500 gm

TSM 332

SOYA CASEIN DIGEST MEDIUM, (STERILE MEDIUM) (for evaluation of sterility in manufacturing process.)

500 gm

TM 333

SOYA CASEIN DIGEST MEDIUM W/O. DEXTROSE (TRYPTONE SOYA BROTH W/O DEXTROSE) (for cultivation of anaerobic microorganisms when the presence of carbohydrates is not desired.)

500 gm

TM 863

SOYABEAN CASEIN DIGEST MEDIUM W/ 0.1% AGAR (for cultivation of anaerobes from root canals, blood and other samples.)

500 gm

TM 1817

SOYABEAN CASEIN DIGEST MEDIUM W/BCP (for cultivation of various microorganisms. It can be used for fermentation studies with addition of carbohydrates.)

500 gm

TM 1407

SOYABEAN CASEIN DIGEST MEDIUM W/ 0.5% SOYA LECITHIN (for sanitary testing of surfaces.)

500 gm

TM 1123

SOYABEAN CASEIN DIGEST MEDIUM W/ LACTOSE (for cultivation of lactose fermenting and dextrose fermenting bacteria.)

500 gm

TM 861

SOYABEAN CASEIN DIGEST MEDIUM W/ YEAST EXTRACT AND HEMIN W/O. DEXTROSE (for cultivation of fastidious microorganisms with excellent growth.)

100 gm


SPECIAL PEPTONE (PEPTONE SPECIAL.) (culture media ingredients)

500 gm

TM 1408

SPECIMEN PRESERVATIVE MEDIUM BASE (SP HAJNA) (for collection, transportation and preservation of stool samples or rectal swabs for the isolation of members of Enterobacteriaceae.)

100 gm

TM 1409

SPIRIT BLUE AGAR (for detection and enumeration of lipolytic microorganisms.)

500 gm

TM 1612

SPIROLATE BROTH OMATA (for cultivation of Treponema pallidium, Reiter strain for antigen production.)

100 gm

TM 1326

SPORULATION AGAR (ARRET AND KIRSHBAUM MEDIUM) ( AK AGAR NO.2) (for production of spores of Bacillus subtilis ATCC 6633 which are used as inoculum in detection of pencillin and other antibiotics.)

500 gm

TM 1292

SPORULATION BROTH (for promoting sporulation in Bacillus subtilis.)

500 gm

TM 1410

STAIB’S MEDIUM (BIRD SEED AGAR) (for cultivation and identification of Cryptococcus neoformans.)

100 gm

TM 864

STANDARD INFUSION AGAR (MEAT INFUSION AGAR) (for mass cultivation of microorganisms for vaccine or toxin production.)

500 gm

TM 544

STANDARD METHODS AGAR (PLATE COUNT AGAR) (for determination of plate counts of microorganisms in foods and water.)

100 gm


500 gm

TM 1411

STANDARD METHODS CASEINATE AGAR (for detection of proteolytic microorganisms.)

100 gm

TM 1614

STANDARD NUTRIENT AGAR (for cultivation and enrichment of less fastidious bacteria in meat.)

500 gm

TM 596

STANDARD NUTRIENT AGAR (a general purpose medium for cultivation and enumeration of not only fastidious microorganisms.)

500 gm


TM 865

STANDARD NUTRIENT AGAR NO.1 (for cultivation of fastidious microorganisms.)

500 gm

TM 866

STANDARD NUTRIENT BROTH NO.1 (for cultivation of fastidious microorganisms.)

500 gm

TM 1615

STANDARD NUTRIENT BROTH NO.2 (for enrichment of less fastidious bacteria.)

500 gm

TM 298

STANDARD NUTRIENT BROTH (H.S VACCINE MEDIUM) (for large scale cultivation of bacteria for vaccine production.)

500 gm

TM 299

STANDARD STAPHYLOCOCCUS BROTH (for cultivation of Staphylococci.)

500 gm

TM 300

STAPHYLOCOCCUS AGAR NO.110 (GELATIN MANNITOL SALT AGAR) (for selective isolation and differentiation of Staphylococci.)

100 gm


500 gm


STAPHYLOCOCCUS AGAR NO. 110 W/ AZIDE (for selective isolation of Staphylococci for clinical samples.)

500 gm

TM 313

STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS ENRICHMENT BROTH (DISINFECTANT TEST BROTH) ( as per BIS) (for enrichment of Staphylococcus aureus.)

500 gm

TM 430

STARCH AGAR (for detection of starch hydrolysing microorganisms.)

500 gm

TM 867

STARCH AGAR (for detection of starch hydrolysing microorganisms.

100 gm


500 gm


STARCH CASEIN AGAR (for detection of saccharolytic marine bacteria.)

500 gm

TM 868

STARCH MILK AGAR (for detection of spores in heated milk and milk products.)

500 gm

TM 869

STERILITY TESTING MEDIUM - A (for checking presence of aerobic microorganisms in pharmacopoeial articles.)

500 gm

TM 870

STERILITY TESTING MEDIUM - B (for checking presence of anaerobic microorganisms in pharmacopoeial articles.)

500 gm

TM 1446

STERILITY TEST MEDIUM (as per LEIFERT AND WAITES) (for sterlity testing of plants.)

500 gm

TM 431


500 gm

TM 1293

STREPTOCOCCUS AGALACTIAE SELECTIVE AGAR BASE (for selective isolation of Streptococcus agalactiae from dairy products.)

500 gm

TM 584

STREPTOCOCCUS ENRICHMENT BROTH (SE BROTH) (for enrichment of Streptococci.)

500 gm

TM 1294

STREPTOCOCCUS LACTIS DIFFERENTIAL AGAR BASE (for differentiation of citrate utilizing Streptococcus lactis subspecies diacetylactis from citrate non-utilizing Streptococcus lactis supspecies cremoris.)

500 gm

TM 432

STREPTOCOCCUS SELECTION AGAR (STREPTOSEL AGAR) (for selective isolation and enumeration of Streptococci including group A beta haemolytic strains.)

500 gm