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Máy điều trị ngoài da ,Body Shape,Active,,Israel

Máy điều trị ngoài da ,Body Shape,Active,,Israel


Body Shape - RF Quadro-Polar



Body Shape - RF Quadro-Polar is an innovative apparatus used for a variety of body revitalization treatments that help the patient to regain a younger body form.
Body Shape - RF Quadro-Polar is used for Body Contouring, Skin Lifting, Cellulite Improvement and Skin Rejuvenation. All contribute to a better look and feel of the patient.

BRF Technology
The Body Shape - RF Quadro-Polar is based on Active s BRF Technology (Burst Repetition Frequency). Combined with real-time continues thermal skin monitoring, this technology provides treatment effectiveness and side effect free treatments.

Special Features
The Body Shape - RF Quadro-Polar has several features that make it highly innovative:

  BRF Technology: For precise tissue targeting according to treatment

  High Power: Up to 250 Watt, enabling a powerful treatment with the best possible     results.

  Quadro-Polar RF: With a large treatment area, for exact and deep layer targeting.

  Bi-Polar RF: For small delicate or facial treatment areas.

  Temperature Sensors: For real-time continuous monitoring of the skin s
     temperature with no need to stop every few seconds and measure it manually.

  Patient s Biofeedback: That enables the patient to stop the treatment in cases of     discomfort.


* CE MDDIntl. Medical Standard
* ISO-13485Med. Production STD
* FCCRF Competability STD
* IEC 60-601-1Medical Safety STD
* IEC 60-601-2Medical Safety STD
* IEC 60-601-4Medical Safety STD
* FDAMedical Safety - Pending


Maximum Output:250 Watt
Frequency:6.78 MHz
Applicators:Body Quadro-Polar
Facial Bi-Polar
Temperature Sensors:Precise IR sensor.
Emergency Halting:Patient s Emergency Halting Knob
Control:Computerized Graphic Sys.
Cooling System:Innovative Air Cooling
Weight:40Kg (including Stand)
Dimensions:44cm x 45cm x 100cm


 Treatments Variety

  Skin Rejuvenation
  Body Contouring
  Skin Lifting
  Cellulite Improvement