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Laser trị liệu

Máy laser điều trị da,CYMA,BISON,Korea

Máy laser điều trị da,CYMA,BISON,Korea


Laser sugery procedures have been proven to be less swelling, less blood loss, less pain and faster recovery. Cyma, our 30W CO2 surgical laser system is microprocessor-controlled, user-friendly CO2 laser system based on a sealed-off CO2 laser tube, providing up to 30 watts on tissue. The system is designed to cut, burn, vaporize, and solidify tissue for different clinic surgery purposes.

High technical CO2 dental laser

- 15 Indication modes
- Storage of personalized laser treatment data
- SuperPulse-, Pulse- and CW operating modes
- 2010 Cutting edge innovative
- Safe, Effective and Reliable
- Patient Satisfaction
- High Power Output


indication mode indication mode
15 Indication modes

In the "indication mode", the energy and procedural guidance for each symptom is indicated on the display, offering practitioners a quick and easy procedural environment.
 In addition, the practitioners can control "repeat time", "pulse width", etc., according to the condition of the patient, enabling an even more detailed and stable procedure.

Ultrapulse mode ultra pulse mode
Basic thermal effect

You can control Pulse width from 200 ~ 1000 um by touching the screen. (Repeat time 10~1000ms)

Superpulse mode superpulse mode

More powerful thermal effect

CYMA offer SuperPulse mode, which  is 10 times more powerful than the Ultra Pulse.

continuous wave mode cw mode
Continuous Wave mode

CYMA laser delivers the energy in continuous waves so physicians can achieve reproducible outcomes with adjustable thermal impact.