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Máy siêu âm đo độ loãng xương,Achilles Insight,GE,Mỹ

Máy siêu âm đo độ loãng xương,Achilles Insight,GE,Mỹ


Lunar Achilles Insight

Lunar Achilles Insight

Imaging Bone Ultrasonometer
GE Healthcare – Lunar is dedicated to developing innovative and productive bone assessment systems to help clinicians assess and diagnose osteoporosis. Our dedication to the fight against osteoporosis is reflected in our annual breakthroughs where we bring new technology and clinical enhancements to physicians and researches around the globe.

The Achilles InSight is a proven bone ultrasonometer that brings fracture risk assessment to the forefront of healthcare. The real time image of the calcaneus and the Region of Interest (ROI) ensures that the measurement is accurate and precise. The speed of the measurement, a mere 15 seconds, also reduces measurement error introduced by patient movement. Numerous clinical studies show that Ultrasonometry of the heel using Achilles is an economical and reliable complement to DXA.(1-5)

Testing is fast and you get immediate results enabling you to counsel patients and make sound treatment decisions. Achilles InSight fits in less than two square feet of office space. Easy to take on the road, to satellite offices, nursing homes, or outreach programs. Achilles’ portability makes it ideal to use as an early assessment tool for identifying patients for DXA scans. The complete system weighs just 24 lbs (11kg) and the ergonomic design makes it easy to carry. Just slip it into the front seat or trunk of your car and you are ready to travel.

1. Marc-Antoine Krieg et al Prediction of Hip Fracture Risk by Quantitative Ultrasound in More Than 7000 Swiss Women ≥ 70 years of Age: Comparison of Three Technologically Different Bone Ultrasound Devices in the SEMOF Study. JBMR Volume 21, Number 9, 2006

2. Claus C Glüer et al Association of Five Quantitative Ultrasound Devices and Bone Densitometry With Osteoporotic Vertebral Fractures in a Population-based Sample: The OPUS study. JBMR Volume 19, Number 5, 2004

3. B. Frediani et al Calcaneus Ultrasonometry and Dual-Energy Xray Absorptiometry for the Evaluation of Vertebral Fracture Risk. Calcif Tissue Int (2006) 79:223-229

4. F. Hartl et al Discriminatory Ability of Quantitative Ultrasound Parameters and Bone Mineral Density in a Population-Based Sample of Postmenopausal Women With Vertebral Fractures: Results of the Basel Osteoporosis Study

5. D. Hans et al Ultrasonographic Heel Measurements to Predict Hip Fracture in Elderly Women: The EPIDOS Prospective Study. The Lancet, Vol 348:511-514, 1996

Different people, same test quality

Lunar Achilles InSight gives you reliable results – for any patient who needs testing, no matter who performs the test. Its design removes major sources of test variation. With less than 30 minutes training, existing staff can produce consistent, high-quality results.

SmartDry Technology

A Productivity and Precision Advantage

Os Calcis: A Preferred Site for Fracture Risk Assessment

Evidence supports the value of densitometry at the heel as the optimum peripheral site for fracture risk assessment, due to the heel s easy accessibility, metabolically active bone and high trabecular content. Additionally, it is weight bearing like the spine and femur and allows for early detection and intervention.

The System of Choice

There are good reasons why more than 5,000 facilities around the world have tested millions of patients with the Lunar Achilles bone ultrasonometer. It brings high-quality clinical results through excellent precision, high reliability, the convenience of AquaDry technology, and now, real-time imaging that eliminates "blind" measurements.

Designed to Suit Your Needs

The standard system is a small, fully self-contained unit with internal microprocessor and printer, which fits in any office. It s also easy to take on the road. The complete system weighs just 10 kg, and the ergonomic design makes it easy to carry.