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Số lượt truy cập 1560057   lần

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Máy đo lượng nước trong dầu

Máy đo lương nước trong dầu, SYD-260A,Changi,TQ

Máy đo lương nước trong dầu, SYD-260A,Changi,TQ


The instrument is designed and made as per the National Standard GB/T260 “Test Methods for Water Content of Petroleum Products”. It is suitable to determine water content in the petroleum products. It is also suitable to determine water content in the lubricating grease as per GB/T512 “Test Methods for Water Content of Lubricating Grease”. The instrument has a united structure, so it can determine two samples at the same time.
Main parameters:
1. Power supply: AC 220V±10%, 50 Hz;
2. Heating power of electric furnace: 1000W×2;
3. Heating control: By Bidirectional silicon controlled rectifier;
4. Ambient temperature: ≤35℃;
5. Relative humidity: ≤85%;
6. Total power consumption: not more than 2200 W;