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Máy đo độ nhớt Engler

Máy đo độ nhớt Engler,WNE-1A,Changi,TQ

Máy đo độ nhớt  Engler,WNE-1A,Changi,TQ

 WNE-1A Engler Viscometer (Digital Displays)


The instrument is designed and made as per the National Standard GB/T266 “Test Methods for Engler Viscosity of Petroleum Products”. It is used to determine the ratio obtained by dividing the time of flow, in s, of 200 ml of material using an Engler viscometer at a selected temperature by a factor representing the time of flow, in s, for an equal volume of water at 20 ℃. The ratio is the Engler viscosity of the sample.
Technical parameters
1. Standard water value: 51±1 s;
2. Temperature range: 0~100℃;
3. Temperature controlling accuracy: ±0.2℃;
4. Engler viscosity thermometer: As per GB/T514;
5. Graduated flask: 200±0.2ml;
6. Inner container: made by stainless steel;
7. Power of heater: 550 W
8. Accuracy of timer: 0.01 s;