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Bộ xác định điểm chớp cháy cốc kín

Bộ xác định điểm chớp cháy cốc kín,SYD-261A ,Changi,TQ

Bộ xác định điểm chớp cháy cốc kín,SYD-261A ,Changi,TQ


The instrument is designed and made as per GB/T261 “Test Methods for Flash Point of Petroleum Products (Closed Cup Methods)”. It is used to determine the lowest temperature of a petroleum product sample when the mixture of sample vapor and air around the sample contacts flame and flashes when heated in a closed cup under stipulated condition. The lowest temperature is the flash point of the petroleum product sample. The instrument has function of automatic program temperature controlling, automatic barometric pressure modification, and modified value calculation. It can automatically control measurement procedures and test data, and it can also save, analyze and print out test data.
Technical parameters
1. Power supply: AC 220V±10%, 50Hz.
2. Temperature measurement:
(1) Measurement range: ambient temperature~250℃;
(2) Flash point is lower than 104 ℃, error is 2 ℃;
Flash point is higher than 104 ℃, error is 6 ℃;
(3) Resolution: 0.1 ℃;
(4) Precision: 0.5%;
3. Basic parameters:
(1) Temperature rising rate: as per GB/T261;
(2) Ignition mode: gas flame is 3~4㎜;
4. Ambient temperature: 10~40℃;
5. Relative humidity: ≤80%;
6. Total power consumption: not more than 350 W;