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Bộ xác định điểm chớp cháy cốc hở

Bộ xác định điểm chớp cháy cốc hở,SYD-267 ,Changi,TQ

Bộ xác định điểm chớp cháy cốc hở,SYD-267 ,Changi,TQ

SYD-267 Open Cup Flash Point Tester



The instruments is designed and made as per the National Standard GB/T267 “Test Methods for Flash Point and Fire Point of Petroleum Products (Open Cup Methods)” and Industry Standard of Petrochemical SH/T0318 “Technical Requirements for Open Cup Flash Point Tester”. It is used to determine the flash point and fire point of lubricating oil and Dark petroleum products.
Technical parameters
1. Power supply: AC 220 V±10%,50Hz;
2. Outer crucible:
(1) Material: Carbon structural steel;
(2) Diameter of upper opening: Φ100±5 mm;
(3) Height: 50±5 mm;
(4) Diameter of bottom: Φ56±2 mm;
3. Inner crucible:
(1) Material: Carbon structural steel;
(2) Diameter of upper opening: Φ64±1 mm;
(3) Height: 47±1 mm;
(4) Diameter of bottom: Φ38±1 mm;
(5) Scale line: there is a line 12 mm away from the rim of upper opening and a line 18 mm away from the rim of upper opening.
4. Gas tube: the diameter of nozzle isΦ0.8~Φ1 mm. The inner surface of tube is smooth and it can adjust flame to 3 to 4 mm.
5. Heater: Heated by an electric furnace. Heating power is 1000 W and adjustable.
6. Thermometer: 0~360 ℃; each scale division is 1 ℃. It conforms to GB/T514.
7. Ambient temperature: ≤35 ℃;
8. Relative humidity: ≤85%;
9. Total power consumption: not more than 1100 W;