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Máy tiệt trùng bằng tia UV

Máy tiệt trùng bằng tia UV, S-10 Type (36W),MEDSOURCE,Đài Loan

Máy tiệt trùng bằng tia UV, S-10 Type (36W),MEDSOURCE,Đài Loan


S-10 Type (36W)

Function: The Sterilization of the Entire Space

In any area need to be sterilized, high efficacy UV of YL-10A


is applicable for conducting the sterilization after people left the space. It may eliminate the bacteria, mould and other microorganisms in the entire space, such as in the air or on the surface of all implements, walls and instruments.

Applicable Places:

Hospital, School, Kindergarten, Retirement Center, Laboratory, Animal Hospital, Hotel……



  1. Electronic Timer Control System
  2. Use Philips UV lamps (1 pc of TUV PL-L 36W)
  3. Use 1 pc of Electronic Ballast.
  4. Made of stainless steel, with aesthetic appearance and durability .
  5. With small size and light weight.
  6. The  wireless remote controller is optional for purchasing.
Specification Description
Power 110~240 V
Power Consumption 36 W
Exterior Dimension 260(L)×140(W)×560(H)mm
UV Lamp 1 PC of TUV-36
Life Cycle of Lamp 8000 hrs
Machine Weight 1.8 kgs