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Nồi hấp cửa trước

Nồi hấp tiệt trùng 80 lít ,CLASS S-DYM-YK10L ,Yongfeng,TQ

Nồi hấp tiệt trùng 80 lít ,CLASS S-DYM-YK10L  ,Yongfeng,TQ


Main properties:
The process of heating, sterilization, gas exhaust , and drying is auto controlled by program.
Temperatures are displayed dynamically and digitally.
Speaker will give off signal when the procedure is finished.
Environment is kept clean and dry because there are inner cycle systems for water and gas ,and it does not need outer water source.
AIDS virus and hepatitis virus can be killed.
Model Chamber Cubage
Chamber Dimension
Outer Dimension(mm)
Tray Dimension
Power Consumption
TMQ.R-3870 80 380X700 980X730X520 680X300, 680X360 5.4(380V) 100