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Nồi hấp cửa trên

Nồi hấp tiệt trùng ,CLASS N-TENCH-1.02L ,Yongfeng,TQ

Nồi hấp tiệt trùng  ,CLASS N-TENCH-1.02L  ,Yongfeng,TQ


Technical data:
Voltage in:220V 50HZ
Power: 1100W
Chamber capacity: 1.02 litres
Inside dimensions: ø90×160mm
Outside dimensions: 440×390×460mm
Weight: 16kg
TIME SAVING Proper capacity allows it to hold 12 hand-piece turbines at one times; the whole process including drying takes only six minuets. Wow!
ELECTRICITY SAVING Designed specially for dentistry, it is compact and elegant, consuming 0.1kwh for each operation .
MULTI-FUNCTIONAL Attached with steam pressure sanitizing program, it can sterilize old -type handpiece turbine.
CONVENIENT With a slight press, the whole automatic process is started and digital display of temperature is shown.