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Diode Laser System,OLIVE,ATM,Korea

Diode Laser System,OLIVE,ATM,Korea



Olive is the new type hair removal laser system by making use the diode laser of 810nm to destroy the melanin color of follicles. The uniform energy of total pulses at the time of the irradiation can make the patient feel less pain and protect the circumambient skin tissues.

▷ Hair Removal
▷ Skin Tightening
▷ Acne Treatment

▷ Supporting the Contact Cooling
▷ A variety of modes
▷ The wave of 810nm which shows a high absorption rate into the melanin tissue.

▷ Fast operation(the method of 15㎐)
▷ Effective hair removal regardless of thin or thick hair
▷ Convenient operation due to the less pain protecting skin by the technique of contact cooling.
    Elastic skin effect as well as hair removal



 Laser Source



 up to 100J/㎠

 Pulse Duration


 Spot size


 Hand piece

 Sapphire contact cooling




 up to 15㎐

 Electrical Requirements  220v
 Weight  38kg