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Máy giúp thở SIARETRON 3000 ICU,Siare,ý

Máy giúp thở SIARETRON 3000 ICU,Siare,ý


Icu ventilators - SIARETRON 3000

The SIARETRON 3000 is an intensive care ventilator for adults, children and newborns

The SIARETRON 3000 is an electronic intensive care lung ventilator for adults children and newborns. It is equipped with microprocessor controlled electronic system, volume and pressure cycled operating principle, controlled flow and spontaneous breath by integrated valve.
The SIARETRON 3000 ICU is a quite light weight lung ventilator of medium dimensions, with technologically advanced design and safe use. It is able to satisfy all needs in intensive therapy and awakening applications. A special device for automatic compensation of dead space and an electronic system for FiO2 automatic calibration make this ventilator an important and safe support for clinicians. The set parameters are measured and visualized on an integrated 6,5” TFT colour monitor.
The parameters reading is performed through a flow sensor which uses a Siare exclusive sterilizable system (magnetic disturbance) placed on the expiratory valve of the ventilator. This new technology makes SIARETRON 3000 ICU unique in its gender. Thanks to its compact design and applied technology, maintenance time and costs are considerably reduced.

Measured parameters

-    FIO2 concentration on display
-    minimum, maximum and mean airways pressure
-    PEEP

Respiratory monitor measured parameters

-    PAW (peak, mean, plateau)
-    INSP. / EXP. time, pause
-    EXP. minute volume
-    INSP.and EXP. tidal volume
-    INSP/EXP flow
-    I:E ratio
-    pressure, flow, volume curves
-    P/V and F/V loops
-    Compliance, Resistance

Settable parameters

-    O2 Mixture built-in device from 21% TO 99%
-    I:E ratio
-    inspiratory flow
-    PEEP
-    breathing rate
-    tidal volume
-    inspired pressure limit
-    inspiratory pause
-    inspiratory time
-    trigger

Ventilatory modes

-   IPPV + AST
-   PSV
-   PCV
-   SIMV
-   CPAP
-   SIGH
-   NEB

Transport version without respiratory monitor

Version on CASTOR LT trolley

Version on CASTOR DE LUXE trolley, with built-in medical air compressor

SIARETRON 3000 ICU can be supplied with CASTOR DE LUXE trolley able to house a compact and silent medical air compressor.
This built-in compressor operates by oscillating dry-pump system with 2.5 lt. reservoir, at a pressure of 3.5 bar


960136  SIARETRON 3000 electronic intensive care lung ventilator for adults, children and newborns.


11054 AIRPAK 54 stand alone medical air compressor
Castor LT standard trolley for ventilator
CASTOR DE LUXE trolley with built-in medical air compressor
stainless steel patient circuit supporting arm with clamp
VAPOUR 2 electronic humidifier
A57.049101 CO2 module