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Đèn đọc film X-Quang

Thiết bị đọc và sử lý hình ảnh x-quang kỹ thuật số và chuẩn đoán CR SYSTEM Model: ICR 3600,iCRco,Mỹ

Thiết bị đọc và sử lý hình ảnh x-quang kỹ thuật số và chuẩn đoán CR SYSTEM Model: ICR 3600,iCRco,Mỹ


  iCRco iCR 3600  iCR3600

 iCR 3600

The iCR3600 s patented design incorporates a true flat scan path™, an ultra precise scan mechanism, and protective cassettes to produce over 300,000 high resolution images per plate.

iCRco imaging plates are fixed to a rigid back panel. Nothing ever touches the active area of the phosphor plate resulting in an artifact free image. Unlike most CR products, the iCR3600 uses no rollers to transport the plate across the scan head. A positive traction drive system ensures perfect artifact free reproduction.

The iCR3600 has been designed to be used in General Radiology, Orthopedics, Dental and Pediatric applications as well as complement existing centralized CR installations. Its up to 90 plates per hour throughput makes it ideal for medium to high volume environments.

The iCR3600 s small footprint and the optional wall-mount makes it a perfect fit for small spaces or installation inside the X-Ray room for maximum productivity.

iCR technology is the result of precision engineering which integrates electronic, optical and mechanical design. This guarantees production of high quality digital imaging tools for the medical profession.