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Laser trị liệu

Máy laser trị liệu ,TR1-HP,Cosmogamma,ý

Máy laser trị liệu ,TR1-HP,Cosmogamma,ý




is a scanning diode laser for high-output therapy. Automatic sourceto- patient distance detecting device. The automatic detection of the source to patient distance allows the delivery of a precise amount of energy per cm2. Possibility to treat up to eight areas on the same patient by setting the treatment parameters only once.

IR laser diode with 795 nm wavelength
Output power 1 W (class 4)
Visible IR light generated by a diode laser with 630 to 680 nm wavelength and power < 5 mW
Possibility to direct the laser treatment head in any direction
Visible tracing of treatment area perimeter
Adjustment of treatment area, dimensions and position
Automatic calculation of the treated surface area by automatic distance detection system
Calculation of the energy emitted in relation to the set time or, vice versa, definition of the time on the basis of the set energy to be emitted
Point-to-point treatment according to a pre-set map
Resident programs for the most common pathologies
Possibility to store user s programs