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Máy sốc tim

Máy sốc tim,FC-1700,Fukuda, Nhật

Máy sốc tim,FC-1700,Fukuda, Nhật


highly reliable and easy to use device
three steps for rapid defibrillation
monophasic defibrillation synchronous or asynchronous
can be used as a monitor ECG curves
5.5 "color LCD
size discharge 2-360 joules
child or adult with indication of the quality of electrode contact (Paddle)
audible and visual alarm
voice guide all operations (English)
built-in printer to print manual, automatic defibrillator after
AC power or built-in battery, after charging up to 30 defib. discharges
possibility of installation of the remainder telemetry module for monitoring of ECG, SPO2 and respiration (wireless)