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Máy lưu huyết não,RheoScreen compact ,Medis,Đức

Máy lưu huyết não,RheoScreen compact ,Medis,Đức

 Rheography device RheoScreen compact














RheoScreen compact is a device for the Venous Occlusion Plethysmography (VOP) and for the measurement of arterial pulse wave on the bases of the Impedance Plethysmography (IPG, also rheography). It can be combined with other devices of the RheoScreen family. The devices are controlled with the help of the RheoScreen software.


  • Venous Occlusion Plethysmography (VOP) for the haemodynamic evaluation of the venous system of the lower extremities (drainage function, venous tone, etc.) and for the diagnosis of deep vein thromboses (DVT)
  • Arterial Venous Occlusion Plethysmography (reactive hyperemia test) for the evaluation of the severity of a  peripheral artery occlusive disease (PAOD) by determining the arterial inflow in the case of reactive hyperemia
  • Measurement of the Peripheral Pulse Wave for the early identification of circulatory disorders
  • Rheoencephalography (pulse waves measurement of the head) for diagnosis of occlusive diseases in cerebral arteries and functional disturbances like migraine
  • Peripheral blood pressure measurement (also segmental)



The RheoScreen compact is computer driven device. All examinations can be carried out automatically using the RheoScreen Software.

The measurement device detects the diagnostically important changes in blood volume by using a new high-resolution Impedance Plethysmography technique. Each measurement uses four common, easily applied ECG electrodes. These electrodes are connected to the RheoScreen compact channels for data recording and analysis. The device has 2 channels for simultaneous measurements on both sides of the body. An automatic pneumatic unit, used to drive the pneumatic occlusion cuffs for VOP or blood pressure, is included with the VOP option. The results of the VOP tests are comparable to mercury strain gauges without the risk of potentially toxic mercury gauges.

The RheoScreen compact can be combined with other RheoScreen devices to build an integrated vascular measurement system.