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Máy làm ấm máu,Astoflo Plus,Futuremed,USA

Máy làm ấm máu,Astoflo Plus,Futuremed,USA


Astoflo Plus Warmer

Astoflo Plus (AFP 200) is a unique, environmentally friendly fluid warmer that efficiently warms fluids at flow rates of up to 1,300 ml/hour without the use of warming sets or proprietary disposables.

Instead, transfusions and infusions are warmed directly in the patient s standard tubing set.

This economical alternative saves money, eliminates waste, and allows for fast and easy set-up.

Other features that make Astoflo Plus an ideal warmer for a wide variety of procedures include:

  • Adjustable temperature setting, from 33-43 ° C, in 0.5°C increments.

  • Digital display of the set and actual temperatures.

  • Audio and visual alarms indicating low and high temperatures.

  • Three independent temperature sensors.

  • A circuit shut-off to eliminate the risk of overheating.

  • The IV line can be detached from the warmer without interrupting the flow of fluids to the patient.

  • Astoflo Plus is a waterless, dry-heat warmer that can be wiped clean and disinfected in seconds.

The Astoflo Plus Heating Profile is available in 180 cm or 240 cm length, and for tubing that is either 4-5 mm and 6-7 mm in diameter.