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Máy điện tim ,Cardiovit AT-101,Schiller ,Thụy sỹ

Máy điện tim ,Cardiovit AT-101,Schiller ,Thụy sỹ


Schiller Cardiovit AT-101 with Interpretation ECG

Cardiovit AT-101 with Interpretation is a high-tech ECG in a compact, budget-priced device.

  • Intuitive, easy use with direct function keys
  • 12-channel Resting ECG
  • Graphical LCD
  • Storage and serial data transfer for Resting ECG data on PC
  • Various formatted printouts on internal thermal printer, external  DeskJet or Laser printout
  • Memory: Saving possibility for 40 records (optional)
  • Measurements
  • Thrombolysis (optional)
  • Interpretation
  • Integrated 3-channel monitor
  • Alphanumeric keyboard
  • Direct keys for the most important functions
  • Easy Print: Integrated high-resolution thermal printer, subsequent printout on thermoreactive paper possible
  • Interface for external printer for A4 printouts on regular paper
  • Interface for data transmission (with memory option) 
  • Capable of data transfer to Schiller SEMA Data Management System
SCHILLER ECG Measurement and Interpretation Software for Children and Adult ECGs

Computerized ECG measurement values greatly help the physician in her/his daily work: it saves time and the results are more accurate and consistent compared to manual calculation. SCHILLER developed its own programs. That allows us to update and improve our software and to make updates available for the physicians at any time after purchasing an equipment. The program passed extensive checking and, among others, the CSE diagnostic database. SCHILLER personnel is member of advisory ECG interpretation councils. The computerized ECG interpretation is designed to assist the physician but never replaces her/his decision. The physician has to consider all other relevant information of the patient.

  • SCHILLER measurement program M provides overall measurements and a table with lead specific measurement results of all 12 simultaneously acquired standard leads for resting and exercise ECGs.
  • SCHILLER interpretation program C (includes M software) gives the physician over a thousand different interpretation hints (after a Resting ECG).
  • The M software is included in the standard version of the following SCHILLER units: AT-101, AT-101 easy, AT-101 Tele, AT-102, AT-10 plus, AT-104 PC, CS-200, AT-110 (and can be upgraded in the AT-1).
  • The C interpretation software can be upgraded any time in the following units: AT-1, AT-101, AT-101 easy, AT-101 Tele, AT-2, AT-2 plus, AT-102, AT-10 plus, AT-104 PC, CS-200, AT-110. Except for AT-2, the interpretation software fits for children and adult ECGs. Ordering the interpretation software, a detailed physicians guide for M/C software is delivered.