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Máy diện tim 1 kênh ECG 108/110

Máy điện tim 1 kênh ECG 108/110

Kenz -Nhật

 Kenz ECG 108/110
Single Channel Digital Electrocardiographs

The Kenz ECG-108 is a single channel digital electrocardiograph with thermal head printer for clear ECG tracing, and Kenz ECG-110 is a single channel digital electrocardiograph with an LCD screen for observing and monitoring the patient s ECG. Kenz ECG-108/110 are top quality single channel Electrocardiographs for recording manually, automatically and features an arrhythmia detection mode used in detecting abnormal rhythms.

ECG Recording sample


Single channel electrocardiographs, with 4 automatic, 1 manual and 1 arrhythmia recording modes

Compact and Lightweight : Less than 2.5kgs including the built-in rechargeable battery for superior portability

Easy operation : standard 12 leads or Cabrera leads can be recorded by just one touch of the RUN/STOP key

Alphanumeric patient information entry : user can enter patient ID number (up to 12 digits), sex, name and comments (up to 36 letters) for printout by using the operation keypads. This data can also be inserted by a PS/2 external keyboard, which can be connected to the ECG

Message display : various messages guide the user for proper operation

ECG preview display (ECG 110 only) : The Kenz ECG 110 has a larger back-lit LCD (5.7 inch) which previews the single channel ECG in order to verify abnormalities and ensure quality tracings, thus saving time and paper. The user can freeze ECG waveform displayed on the screen and print it out.

Excellent recording quality : The high resolution thermal head printer produces clear and precise ECG tracings

Digital filters for AC noise, muscle tremor and baseline drift

Pacemaker detection

Defibrillation protection