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Hệ thống chuẩn đoán và điều trị giấc ngủ Somnolab 2

Hệ thống chuẩn đoán và điều trị giấc ngủ Somnolab 2

Weinmann- Đức


SOMNOlab 2 basic device

Diagnostic device

Components for SOMNOlab sleep diagnostic system

SOMNOlab 2 is the core of our SOMNOlab system. With the basic version of SOMNOlab 2 you have a stationary or mobile polygraphy. Because all parameter combinations for polysomnography (PSG) are integrated, you can add an R&K or AASM trunk cable to conduct a complete polysomnography that complies with standards set by Rechtschaffen and Kales (R&K) or requirements of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM).

Our Sleep Diagnostics Case is ideal for device presentation and storage. It has a sturdy aluminum frame and comes in two different sizes (small and large).

Additional system components for the SOMNOlab system are Transferbox 2, SOMNObutler 2 and PC software SOMNOlab.

Integrated measurement functions in SOMNOlab 2:

  • measurement parameters: respiratory flow, respiratory movements, snoring, heart rate, oxygen saturation, body position, pressure
  • four available electrophysiological channels for ECG and EMG
  • integrated effort sensor (piezoelectric crystal technology)
  • differential pressure measurement that guarantees high-quality ventilation therapy monitoring
  • the polygraphy basic device can be upgraded to a polysomnography device
  • battery capacity display: no loss of device due to discharged batteries
  • optional: measurement of respiratory movements with Respiratory Inductive Plethysmography (RIP), in 2010