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Monitor Enmove 1200

Monitor Enmove 1200




Maximized Monitoring Mobility

Mennen Medical s EnmoveTM 1200 is a sophisticated, portable bedside patient monitor, providing a highly efficient solution for the varying needs of today s medical institutions.
This monitor is versatile, easily adaptable to suit any medical application and patient profile and enables the remote viewing of other EnmoveTM monitors as well as central station connectivity. This innovative device provides long term tabular and numerical trend and is available with a variety of configurations: from basic non invasive to multi-parameter monitoring, covering all medical requirements, including gas analysis.

Ease of use:
Intuitive operation and functionality, with adaptable display, user-friendly interface design, large sized fonts, adjustable Vital Signs sequence and colors to fit the user’s requirements and work routines.
Flexibility: Easily adaptable to a wide variety of patient environments with specified requirements. Full patient customization. Wireless connectivity to Local Area Network.
Increased Clinical Value: Maximal simultaneous parameter presentation, including 12 leads, numeric and graphic ECG display, waveforms and numerical vital signs for the whole spectrum of patient monitoring displayed on the screen, long-term follow-up of vital signs trend in both numeric and graphic format as well as medical calculations.
Cost Efficiency: Low maintenance and spare parts costs.

● 5 - 12 lead ECG
● Respiration
● SpO2 (Nelcor/Masimo)
● Temperature
● EtCO2 Microstream
● Mainstream Etco2
● Analog Output for ECG and IBP
● 2 BP
● Cardiac Output
● Gas Analysis (Artema)

Event Strips: Event strips of all waveforms and alarms at the time of the event.
Graphic Trend: 96 hours Trend panel presentation of graphic trends, including up to eight vital signs with up to one minute resolution.
Numerical Trend: 96 hours Numerical values of vital signs displayed in up to one minute resolution, including alarms and event marking.
Arrhythmia Analysis: Continuous ECG waveform analysis, based on QRS algorithm including 12 leads analysis.
ST Analysis: Simultaneous and continuous ST analysis of displayed ECG leads with ST alarm.
All-inclusive ECG lead display: Simultaneous display of all ECG leads.
Drug Titration and Calculation: Drug concentrate, infusion rate and injection amount calculations performed, according to defined clinical parameters.
Wireless Network: Fixed compact flash for memory card or wireless LAN card.

*EnmoveTM 1200 monitor is not available in the United States 
 (Approved by  CE, not FDA aproved)