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Kính hiển vi dùng trong nhãn khoa OPMI® Pentero™


Kính hiển vi dùng trong nhãn khoa OPMI® Pentero™



OBERKOCHEN/Germany, 03.05.2004.
Carl Zeiss’ Surgical Products Division proudly presents OPMI Pentero, a revolutionary surgical microscope for neurosurgery and spine surgery, at the annual AANS (American Association of Neurological Surgeons) meeting. The new, user-oriented development redefines the meaning of a “surgical microscope”. OPMI Pentero uniquely combines solutions for basic requirements with a variety of additional benefits: intra-operative diagnostics, integration of the entire digital video chain, integration of the surgical microscope into the hospital’s information and communication infrastructure and user-friendly solutions for OR staff.

Dr. Ludwin Monz, Executive V.P. and General Manager of the Carl Zeiss Medical Systems Group on the development of OPMI Pentero: “Extensive worldwide testing by renowned neurosurgeons validated and enhanced the system’s concept, functionality and design. The responses from our clinical partners attest to the trendsetting microsurgical platform that is OPMI Pentero."

Intra-operative diagnostics* lead to breakthrough in treatment
Carl Zeiss aspires to continuously improve the support it provides doctors during the treatment of their patients. OPMI Pentero, the first surgical microscope to offer integrated support for intra-operative angiography is an example of these efforts. Fully integrated fluorescence-based tumor resection is also a unique feature of OPMI Pentero. These, and other new methods, represent significant evolutionary advances in the support provided by a surgical microscope during the procedure.

*The fluorescence options are in compliance with the requirements of the European Medical Device directive 93/42/EEC. However, depending on national regulations, additional authorization may be required in the country in which the instrument and applications will be used. The fluorescence options are not available in North America, Japan and other markets. Please contact your local Carl Zeiss representative for further information.

Integrated digital visualization
OPMI Pentero is the first surgical microscope to address modern demands on digital video technology: recording, editing, adding comments and archiving application videos require no additional equipment. Following the procedure, surgeons can take the data with them on a DVD or a USB memory stick. In the future, it will be possible to simply upload to the hospital DICOM server.

Integration in the OR and hospital workflow
New functions, such as the AutoBalance system or the AutoDrapeTM vacuum system for fast and easy draping, enable OPMI Pentero to meet all the requirements of the pre-surgical workflow. Options for the integration of the OPMI into the hospital’s information and communication infrastructure are also included. Whatever the need – accessing pre-op findings, storing important data from the procedure or exchanging information during the operation with colleagues in other locations: the comprehensive communication interfaces on the OPMI Pentero make it possible.

Outstanding design and optimum optics
Carl Zeiss was presented with the 2004 International Red-Dot Design Award for OPMI Pentero. Despite its very compact, extremely aesthetic design, Pentero provides sufficient headroom and can be positioned anywhere – even behind the surgeon. The result: ergonomic and relaxed working conditions. Additionally, all basic functions of the optical system on the OPMI Pentero were enhanced. Apochromatic optics deliver brilliant images, a new Varioskop objective lens provides large working areas and comfortable working conditions – even with long instruments. Increased depth of field and more light for the surgeon and assistant provide additional improvements to the work environment. The new high-speed autofocus delivers razor-sharp images – regardless of the magnification.

In the words of a user
Daniel L Barrow, M.D., Professor and Chairman of the Neurosurgical Department at Emory University in Atlanta, GA tested OPMI Pentero. His conclusion: “Pentero is a surgical microscope designed by surgeons for surgeons. It unites state-of-the-art technology in a compact, innovative and brilliant design. Carl Zeiss combined performance, effectiveness and ergonomics to create a microscope that raises spine and neurosurgery to a new level."