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Máy sốc tim i-PAD NF1200

Máy sốc tim i-PAD NF1200

CU -Korea


i-PAD NF1200
The i-PAD NF1200 is a semi-automated external defibrillator (also known as an AED). The i-PAD NF1200 is designed for minimally trained individuals. It provides simple and direct voice prompts and instructions for straightforward rescue operation. It is lightweight and battery powered for maximum portability.

The i-PAD NF1200 is intended to treat Ventricular Fibrillation (VF) and Fast Ventricular Tachycardia. These two conditions are the most common causes of sudden cardiac arrest (SCA). In SCA, the heart of the victim suddenly stops pumping. This condition may occur suddenly to any age group without warning. The only effective treatment for SCA is the application of a defibrillating shock.
Indications for Use
Use the i-PAD to treat a person that you think is suffering from sudden cardiac arrest (SCA). The following are symptoms of SCA :

- No movement and no response when shaken
- No normal breathing
- No pulse
How to use i-PAD NF1200