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Máy garo hơi cầm máu ATS-300

Máy garo hơi cầm máu ATS-300



Zimmer A.T.S. ® 3000 Automatic Tourniquet System

The A.T.S. 3000 Automatic Tourniquet System is a dual-port, dual-cuff system with microprocessor controls and dedicated ports for supplying and measuring pressure independently. With the innovative Limb Occlusion Pressure (LOP) feature, the A.T.S. 3000 Tourniquet combines the latest in advanced tourniquet technology with the well-established Zimmer tradition of safety, reliability, and convenience.

Automatic Tourniquet System

LOP Technology

The A.T.S. 3000 leads the tourniquet industry in offering LOP technology that senses, calculates and reports the cuff pressure necessary to achieve complete blood occlusion in the operative limb.

The LOP sensor is applied to the index finger or second toe of the patient’s operative limb prior to surgical prep and provides a Recommended Tourniquet Pressure (RTP) setting in approximately 30 seconds. The physician will have the option of accepting or rejecting the RTP provided by the tourniquet system based on the physician’s independent clinical judgment.

The ability to provide specific RTP for each patient based on physiological characteristics makes the A.T.S. 3000 unique compared to any other tourniquet currently on the market. (The A.T.S. 3000 Automatic Tourniquet System can be operated with or without the use of the LOP function.)

Automatic Tourniquet System

Other Features Include:

•Self-check Calibration – automatically checks the accuracy of the machine calibration each time the unit is powered on. This saves setup time.

•Cuff Alert – alerts user of cuff status when attempt is made to set the machine to stand-by when cuff pressure is sensed.

•Cuff Lockout – prompts the user to confirm the deflation command during bilateral or IVRA procedures in order to reduce complications due to sudden cuff deflation.

•Four-hour Battery Backup – maintains pressure if AC power is temporarily lost.

•Color-Coded Cuffs – from 8 inches to 42 inches accommodate virtually all patients and limbs.

•Carrying Handle – makes the system easy to transport and includes pullout hangers for storage of hoses and LOP sensor.