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Dây nội soi khí phế quản EB-1570K

Dây nội soi khí phế quản EB-1570K

Pentax- Nhật



The EB-1570K Video Bronchoscope features ergonomically positioned suction valves and angulation levers, optimized for balance and ease of operation. The simple one-component valves, available in semi-disposable rubber or autoclavable plastic, offer complete fingertip control of aspiration. The 5.5 mm insertion tube houses a 2.0 mm working channel, and provides clear, full-screen images for examination.

Channel Diameter (mm) Distal Tip Diameter (mm) Working Length (mm) Angulation (Up/Down) Angle of View (°)
2.0 5.5 600 210/130 120