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Số lượt truy cập 1600694   lần

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Máy phân tích huyết học

Máy xét nghiệm huyết học tự động MS-4e

Máy xét nghiệm huyết học tự động MS-4e

 Diamond Diagnostics - USA


Main Medical features
Measured parameters : WBC, RBC, THR, Hb
Calculated parameters : Lym%, Lym#, Mon%, Mon#, Gr%,Gr#
: MPV, Pct, RDW
Histograms : WBC, RBC, THR (Displayed)
Min/max range alarms : Programmable and displayed
Whole blood sample : 16 μl. Programmable dilution rate
Analysis time : Results in 2 mn

Main software features
Results : Displayed on a graphic screen LCD 320 x 240 dots
Volumetric histograms for WBC, RBC and THR
Printer : External USB printer (optional)
Data storage : Up to 100 analyses with histograms in safeguard
Interface Software available to store more results. (Optional)
Possibility to reprint analysis
Language : French, English + 3rd customized languague
on request (German, Spanish, Italian,
Portuguese, ect ...)
Digital banks : Male, Female, Child, New-Born, Control blood,
2 programmable banks
Can be used for Veterinary purpose by replacing reagents
Quality control : 3 levels blood management program
: Complete quality-control reports printable
Connections : 1 RS232 mono and/or bidirectionnal transmission
1 USB port 1.1 compliant, 1 PS2 port

Technical specifications

Dimensions : Width 210 mm, Height 340 mm, Depth 250 mm
Weight : 12 Kg
Power supply : 110-220 V / 50-60 Hz 300 VA (automatic commutation)
Reagents : Diluent : ISOFLUX; Detergent :TRANSFLUX; Lysing
reagent : ACTI-DIFF

Factory specifications

Manufactured according to ISO 9001-2000
1 year warranty
*In compliance with our general guarantee conditions.
