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Máy điện tim HeartScreen 112 Visit GSM

Máy điện tim HeartScreen 112 Visit GSM



HeartScreen 112 Visit GSM

Nagyításhoz kattintson a képre!

  • Simultaneous 12-lead ECG acquisition
  • Standard and Cabrera leads 3 ECG channels and one rhythm curve display
  • Reliable, high-resolution 112mm wide, 3-channel thermal printer
  • Analysis, diagnosis and arrythmia program
  • Cardiovascular risk management
  • GSM based data communication to expert’s, or any end user terminals via internet
  • SSL encryption codeing for safety and reliability
  • Double functional safety in communication and archiving
  • Large storage capacity
  • Ideal for mobile or laboratory use
  • Dedicated foil keys for quick operation
  • Complete ECG user interface on the PC screen
  • On-line 12-channel monitoring and storage capability
  • 12-channel printing on size A4 paper 
  • Database management: Innobase for Windows Expert