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Gường kéo dãn cột sống YXZ-II

Gường kéo dãn cột sống YXZ-II



Product introduction
Model YXZ-||serial cervical and lumbar bed adopts the micro-computer CPU software control and highly sensitive light-touch key setting program.The traction dynamyic power utilizes linear notor.The traction force employs the imported OENsensor control.It has the automatic compensation function.it can further reinforce the stability,reliability and accuracy of the traetment and reduce the noice of the overall ftame in the working condition.
The bed has an integrated cervical and lunbar vertebra traction.It can not only have the individual traction,but also have the simultaneous retraction to both persons.It saves certain cost to the investors.It has the multiple traction mode combination such as continuous;intermittent;reciprocsting;pulse retractions etc.to enhance the curint effect.In order to ensure the use salety of the patienta,it sets the program monitor display.When the traction force is over-strong,the manual-operated protection device can be used to stop it.
It is applicable for curing the cervical vertebra diseaea,lumbar vertebra disease,strain of lumbar,osteophyte,bone joint displacement syndrome etc.