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Gường kéo dãn cột sống YXZ-VIII、VII

Gường kéo dãn cột sống YXZ-VIII、VII



Model YXZ-VIII Traction Vertebra Rectifying Device

Model YXZ-VII Traction Vertebra Rectifying Device

      On the basis of three dimensional traction,YXZ-X model computer controlled four dimensional stereoscopic lumbar vertebra tratuion bed has functions of upper angulation traction,lower angulation traction ,right and left rotation traction(side turns reposition)and longtudinaltraction,and originally create righe and left side straight swing,imitate function of goldfish tailing.concentrate with fornt bend,back exteng,right and left rotation reposition,right and left side straight swing four dimensional traction,use it singly or with combination,overcome shortages of single funtion.

common techincal charateristic of three dimensional traction bed and four dimenaional traction bed

Particular two operating systems:single-chip microcomputer touch operationg system,use it singly;computer controlled,Chinese display,set parameter randomly,multiple protection;
Slow traction function,with continuous traction,intermission traction,repeat traction and auto compemsation of traction force;Case history files management,convenient to clinical and develop research work;Particular sufferer self control operating system;Drive traction of super low noise import electric machine with direct current and low voltage.Computer-controlled three-dimensional lumbar traction bed, traction with the upward angle, the next angle of traction, rotation about traction (side plate reset) and the vertical traction of features alone can also be used in combination to overcome the lack of a single function.

Technical parameter

Powers supply:220V/50HZ
Traction course:0-200mm
Tatal traction course:0-60min adjustable randomly
Continuous traction time:0-9min adjustable randomly
Automatic interval traction time:0-90s adjustable randomly
Tration force: 0-99kgdjustable randomly
Angulation angle:+10°~-30°
Conjugate rotation angle
(1)Automatic function:25°adjustable for right and left
(2)Rotation times:0~3times adjustable randomly
Auxiliary machine:78*68*105cm
Weight: 145kg

Tdchnnological superiority

Equip cervical vertebra traction with independent operation,can integrate cervical vertebra and lumbar vertebra,can be single rtaction,also can double persons traction at the same time,it saves certain cost for investors.

Upper angulation traction
Upper angulation traction
Lower angulation traction