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Máy điện tim Mac-400

Máy điện tim Mac-400



GE Healthcare MAC 400 Resting ECG System Making ECG available to every physician, every patient, everywhere! Since 1965, GE has introduced technology innovation, which has profoundly impacted clinical guidelines and ECG standards. Through its collaboration with world-leading cardiologists, GE continues to develop ECG products to the highest standards of quality. With over 40 years‘ heritage in highly reliable ECG analysis and interpretation, you can trust the Marquette® 12SLTM program to support your clinical decisions. The MAC® 400 is GE Healthcare‘s new compact electrocardiograph, specially designed to meet physicians‘ needs. It is reliable, accurate and benefits from GE‘s leadership in ECG technology including its well-known Marquette 12SL, which can be found in the premium ECG MAC products. The lightweight and portable MAC 400 can be easily operated and allows you to configure it to your patient‘s needs for faster, more confident cardiac assessment and better patient care.