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Máy đo chức năng hô hấp Datospir-120

Máy đo chức năng hô hấp Datospir-120

Sibelmed-Tây ban nha


Sibelmed Datospir 120 Spirometer

Specifically Designed - The Datospir 110 Spirometer has been
developed with the collaboration of the Lung Function Laboratory in Barcelona assuring confidence in its performance in both Spanish and International Markets
Conforms - Meets the criteria of standardisation for international institutions
Quick Readout - Internal Printer for quick and easy access to data
Versatile - Visual and acoustic indication of monoeuvre’s start and end
Stopwatch for Test Measuring
Powerful and Large Memory - Allows storage for more than 1500
tests without graphics or more than 500 with graphics with summary list
of database
FVC, VC and MVV Tests in Pre and Post Bronchodilation Mode