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Máy đo SpO2 cầm tay

Máy đo SpO2 PulseOx 6000 (loại kẹp ngón) Hãng SX:SPO Medical (Hoa Kỳ)

Máy đo SpO2 PulseOx 6000 (loại kẹp ngón)

Hãng SX:SPO Medical (Hoa Kỳ)

 SPO Medical PulseOx 6000™

 Accurate and reliable measurements of blood oxygen saturation and heart rate

The PulseOx 6000™ is ideally suited for medical professionals, but is also available for individuals who are looking for an upgraded version of the Pulse Ox 5500. Based on SPO Medical s proprietary patented algorithms, the PulseOx 6000™ uses Reflective Pulse Oximetry (RPO) technology for accurate and reliable measurements of blood oxygen saturation and heart rate. The portability and functionality of the The PulseOx 6000™ makes it ideal for use in any situation where a fast and accurate reading of blood oxygen saturation and pulse rate is needed.


The PulseOx 6000™ is useful in any setting where a patient s oxygenation is unstable, including intensive care, operating, recovery, emergency and hospital ward settings, for assessment of any patient s oxygenation, and determining the effectiveness of or need for supplemental oxygen.
Because of its simplicity and speed, the PulseOx 6000™ is of critical importance in emergency medicine and is also very useful for patients with respiratory or cardiac problems, especially COPD, or for diagnosis of some sleep disorders such as apnea and hypopnea.

Main Features:

  • Attractive & Robust design
  • Universal thimble size
  • AutoSpot™ technology for motion artifacts and low perfusion
  • Completely nail polish tolerant - no matter how dark the color
  • Manufactured according to environmentally friendly standards (RoHS Directive)
  • Easy-to-read illuminated LCD with bi-directional readings
  • Long lasting battery: 500 hours
  • Belt pouch for storage supplied with each unit
  • Two year manufacturer s warranty